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Saturday, 7 January 2017

‘Pokemon Go’: What Order Are the Eggs Sorted In?

Six months after the launch of Pokemon Go, fans are still trying to crack one of the game’s biggest mysteries: is there any rhyme or reason to the way that eggs are sorted on the inventory screen? In the game, trainers can see all the eggs currently in their possession by hitting the PokeBall on the bottom of the screen, selecting “Pokemon,” and then hitting the “eggs” tab. You’d think that the eggs would be sorted in the order that you obtained them, with the newest at the top and the oldest at the bottom, but that is not the case. They’re not sorted by which eggs are closest to hatching, but they also don’t seem to be arranged in a random order that changes whenever you open the inventory. So what’s the deal? Well, the latest theory is that the eggs are arranged based on how close you are to the area where you originally got that egg. The egg on the top left of the screen would therefore be the egg whose location of origin you are currently nearest to. That theory comes from Reddit user DamnNatureY0uScary, who observed this pattern on the Pokemon Go subreddit The Silph Road this week. The thread generated hundreds of comments and additional discussion threads throughout the Pokemon Go online community, with players sharing their own anecdotal experiences in an attempt to prove the theory true or false. Also on The Silph Road, another player put the theory to the test and noticed that their eggs did indeed seem to be arranging themselves based on the player’s distance from the original pickup, apparently confirming DamnNatureY0uScary’s hypothesis.

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